2017 SoCalCoDA Conference Recordings - A New Freedom

Journal it Out - Helen B
Teardrops of Recovery - From Fear to Joy - Joe H

Handout - The Teardrops of Recovery Worksheet
Boundaries by Tradition - Barbara L
Letting Go of an Unhealthy Relationship - Russel M
Everything You Wanted to Know About Sponsorship But Were Afraid to Ask - Betty H
Our Own Understanding - Higher Power Exploration Step 2 - Ruth G
How the Twelve Promises Appear in Our Lives - Joe H

Handout - How the 12 Promises Appear in Our Lives Worksheet
Healthy Meetings Matter - Darcie D
Comunicacion Sana para Relaciones Sanas - Rosa S
Proceso de Recuperacion - Tina
El Proceso De El Perdon Dentro De La Recuperacion - Norma
Friday Keynote - Ted A
Saturday Keynote - Anita F
Sunday Keynote - Betty H