2016 SoCalCoDA Conference Recordings - Learning to Live Life

Session Name - Barbara L
Fix Your Picker - Adam M
Creating My Own Family of Choice - Kristi S, Rebecca K, Bill W
From the Inside Out - A Journey of Healing - Victoria D
Healthy Talk - Core Communication Skills for Loving Relationships - Rick B
Soltar y Dejar al Poder Superior Actuar - Socorro V
Finding Balance in my 4th step - Uncovering Assets along with Characteristics - Sharleene P
Communicating with Self and Staying in the Now - Stephen S, France W
Comunicacion Sana para Relaciones Sanas - Dulce B, Rosa S
Transform Ego Unconsciousness to Higher Power Consciousness by using the Steps - Dulce B
Shame - The Mother of Codependency - Jeff L
Stepping Out - Lloyd A
Friday Night Speaker - Darci D
Sunday Morning Speaker - Marilyn W
Saturday Night Speaker - Fati G